Gujarat's Deputy Chief Minister Nitinbhai Patel fighting hard to retain his seat in the Mehsana constituency
Gujarat Key Constituencies: Mehesana Gujarat's Deputy Chief Minister Nitinbhai Patel fighting hard to retain his seat in the Mehsana constituency By Deepak Parvatiyar* A hotbed of Patidar quota agitation, Mehesana in north Gujarat had seen the very first rally for the quota on 6 July 2015. It was from here that the agitation spread across the state and led to the Patidar Maharally in Ahmedabad on 25 August 2015, which later sparked rioting and curfew across the state. In Mehsana too, just two days after the Ahmedabad Maharally, two youths were killed in police firing. It is for this reason that Mehesana is expected to see one of the toughest fights in Gujarat. The constituency is among the 70-odd constituencies of Gujarat where Patidar community votes hold the keys for electoral success. Here Patidars constitute about 28 per cent of the population. Deputy chief minister Nitinbhai Patel, himself a Patidar, is seeking re-election from here. Will he b...