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Showing posts from January 13, 2015

Delhi Polls: Corruption Issue on Centre Stage

Delhi Polls: Corruption Issue on Centre Stage By  Deepak Parvatiyar January 13, 2015 (An edited version was published in Delhi shares a distinct bond with Ulaanbaatar. While both rank high on corruption, politicians of both the Indian and Mongolian capital cities swear to combat corruption! While both remain among the most corrupt places in the world as per the latest indices, in recent times both cities have improved their positions, either through legislations or through mass movements, on corruption perception Index of the rating agencies. Yet Ulaanbaatar is different from Delhi in more than one ways. It is the city where more than fifty per cent of the entire population of Mongolia resides. Delhi in comparison, despite being world’s second most populous city with about 25 million citizens, is at the most the nerve centre of Indian politics and there are other big cities that play almost similar big roles in the nation’s development. When i...