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Showing posts from August 14, 2014

Real story behind India-Pakistan partition

Real story behind India-Pakistan partition By  Deepak Parvatiyar August 14, 2014 68 years of existence, both sharing the common umbilical cord, yet India and Pakistan are anything but friendly nations. Both celebrate their Independence this month.  It was on 14th August 1947 that Pakistan was created. India got its freedom, a day later. Partition claimed innocent lives from both sides and created scars in people’s minds and hearts. It resulted in mass displacement and millions lost their near and dear ones in unprecedented communal riots and massacres. Since then, the distrust remains between the two neighbouring countries that have fought four wars. History of India-Pakistan Partition Going by the history of Partition, can we say the way it was made with undue haste sowed the seeds for all future discord between India and Pakistan? What was the need for the British to divide India in a hurry? You may also like to read Change in Mindsets of I...