Farmers Suicide at AAP Rally By Deepak Parvatiyar April 24, 2015 5.00/5 (100.00%) 1 vote An Intelligence Bureau (IB) report of 19 December 2014 titled ‘Spate of Cases of Suicide by Farmers’ alerted the current government about the rising trend in cases of farmers’ committing suicides in states like Maharashtra, Punjab, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Telangana. The reasons cited in the IB report for the spurt in the trend of farmers’ suicides included uneven rains, drought, floods and hailstorms that affect the crop yield, along with certain man-made factors like pricing policies and poor marketing facilities that cause post-yield losses. These factors result in creating a debt trap for the farmers. A major reason that has been attributed to the farmers’ suicides, in the report, is that the government relief packages are highly inadequate and fail to check the dominance of the private moneylenders from whom the farmers are forced to borro...
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