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Showing posts from July 16, 2015

Greece Crisis and Its Possible Impact on India

Greece Crisis and Its Possible Impact on India By  Deepak Parvatiyar July 16, 2015 5.00 / 5  (100.00%)  1 vote Published in ( It goes without saying that the crisis in Greece has international ramifications. The eurozone leaders have desperately tried to bail out Greece from insolvency and prevent it from leaving the euro. It has taken the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras all his persuading powers to convince MPs within his own government to back bailout package offered by the eurozone leaders, but one thing is clear – even as the package offers to reschedule Greek debt repayments, it does not lay down any provision for the reduction of the Greek debt as sought by its government. It is worth mentioning that Greece’s deputy finance minister resigned just before the bailout vote! Therefore, there’s little surprise that even when the Greek parliament sat ...