Shareholder farmers from the state of Tamil Nadu during their nearly two months protest action in India's capital, New Delhi. Here they show skulls from local farmers who have committed suicide. Photo: Deepak Parvatiyar India's desperate peasants - they wear their colleagues' skulls* By Deepak Parvatiyar** (Published in Bistandsaktuelt on 27 th September 2017 -- ) Extensive drought and economic crisis affects agricultural areas in a number of Indian states. In two years, around 24,000 farmers have taken their own lives W hen driving the 200 kilometers from Hubli to the "water city" Vijayapur in the Indian state of Karnataka, it is like driving through the rugged landscape of TS Eliot's book "The Wasteland". Undisturbed land on both sides, without vegetation or civilization, as far as the eye reaches! As Elliot said in his poem: ...
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