Are We Really Independent in India By Deepak Parvatiyar August 13, 2014 Just surf the internet and you would find how customary it has become to debate our independence every 15th August. How independent are we? Do we really live in an independent society? Are we independent to do what we want… so on and so forth? Indeed, these oft-repeated questions sound monotonous and cyclical. Yet they are raised every time we celebrate our Independence. To put it simple, why should we celebrate Independence, if we are not free? Why is our freedom (independence) debatable ? Yet such questions are important as they examine people’s expectations from a free society on one hand, and reinforce our commitment towards the freedom that was bequeathed to us by our forefathers through their sacrifices. Further, it makes sense evaluating our liberty on the day when we celebrate the spirit of Independence but the evaluation of freedom should be more fiercely debated not jus...
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