Let there be a fresh look at contempt law (The article was published in A review of Indian journalism critique) By Deepak Parvatiyar Mae West was an American actress, playwright and screenwriter known for her bawdy double entrendres. The author and star of “Sex”, a big hit up on Broadway, she was booked for obscenity and hustled away into an interim cell before being packed off in the morning to 10 days at the Women’s Workhouse on Welfare Island. “Miss West,” the presiding judge at Jefferson Market Courthouse had inquired at a late hour on February 7, 1927, “are you trying to show contempt for this court?” “On the contrary, Your Honor,” Mae sweetly responded. “I was doin’ my best to conceal it.” [i] It is no exaggeration to say that contempt of court is feared largely because of its varied interpretations by the courts. No wonder that Mae’s statement nine decades ago still sounds very contemporary. In India too, it’s no different. The a...
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